Friday 18 March 2011


Okay havent blogged in a while... so thinking back to Kathmandu.. Another beastly bus journey there to finally arrive in Paraknajol (North Thamel, Kathmandu). Thamel was actually really cool, had a massive array of shops selling all sorts of stuff, most of which we had already seen in Pokhara (and bought!). Tim did get a ridiculously cool fruit bowl (!?) that has a sort of spiralling cut in the flat part, meaning it falls out slightly at the bottom creating a bowl instead of a plate! A couple more pure pashmina and cashmere scarves were bought too.. What did we do in Kathandu... not a huge amount really as we only had 2 days there. We met up with the Danish guys again for a Kareoke night which was hilarious, and painful as all the girs were into old crappy Britney Spears songs. Which James loved. The next night we once again hit the clubs of Kathmandu which was a bit of a fail really, seeing as the Nepalese have a curfew at 11pm and after this the police come round all the pubs and bars to kick everyone home. We sought refuge in this quiet back-alley pub until 2am – we werent actually allowed out for a while because the police were outside as they knew the pub owners had customers upstairs! Finally the next day we flew to Thailand!!! EXCITEMENT!

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